Step 2 Confirm the details of your Defense
1.Make sure your defense committee members with your advisr
A thesis committee is composed of three to five members, including the student's adviser and co-adviser (if applicable). Refer to the following NSYSU's regulation about the eligibility of the defense committee.
"The Master's Degree Examination Committee is comprised of 3 to 5 members with at least 1 member invited from another department (institute). The Ph.D. Degree Examination Committee is comprised of 5 to 9 members with at least 1 member invited from another university; the committee members are appointed by the University president with one member other than the supervising professor designated by the head of the department (institute) as the convener; the supervising professors may not make up more than 1/2 of the Examination Committee. Department (institutes) may not nominate the research student taking the degree examination's spouse, or relative by blood or marriage within three degrees as their supervising professor examination committee member."
2.Confirm the defense date, time with your advisor
You can discuss potential thesis committee members with your adviser. Then, politely request an appointment with these potential committee members to see if they are available. Arrange a time that is convenient to all of defense committee members.
3.Reserve the meeting room for the defense
Go to the EE office(6F) to register for the oral defense venue. The end of each semester will be the hot season for the defense. You must book the room once you confirm the defense schedule. The early priority registration can use the room. ( **Please note that the system is only available for two-week online reservations. You must go to the EE office to reserve the room. )
If you would like to reserve the ICE's meeting room EC2002, please go to the ICE office(2F) and check the available time.